Our classic collections are based on hand-crafted curving, turning and carving. Blending the traditional and modern styles, we develop all styles of European, Asian, and Mid-East styles in combination with the richest fabric and foam option. Our color and finishing are ranging from stain and painting, marquetry and parquetry, natural grain exposure, brass, bronze, silver, gold leaf or spray. Completing our range products, we are actively updating our original and custom products combining recycle and metal material for our industrial and green concept collection. With us, the premier collections always come with the reasonable price.
Jln. Sultan Hadlirin KM 4.5, Langon, Jepara 59427,
Central Java, Indonesia
Tel. +62-291-596578
Fax. +62-291-596579
Products : Indoor Furniture
Specialty : Classic and Reclaimed Design
Material : Teak & Mahogany Wood
Production capacity : 5 x 40HC containers per month
Warehouse : 8.000 m2
Number of employee : 60 persons
Job Vacancy
Website :
– www.indonesiaclassic-furniture.com
– www.jeparawoodenfurniture.com
– www.indonesiateakwoodfurniture.com
– www.jeparagreenfurniture.com
– www.indonesiagreenfurniture.com
– www.furniture4palace.com
– www.classicfurniturewholesale.com
– www.teakclassicfurniture.com
– www.allfromboatfurniture.com
– www.indonesiabamboofurniture.com